
Tungsten is a color theory-inspired, branching-narrative visual novel following Puck, a non-binary individual as they progress through their day. Players must select conversation approaches, represented by helmets, to defend Puck in the face of an unaccepting cisgendered world.

Tungsten was developed as part of the University of Utah’s Alternative Game Development course and is currently available on itch.io.

Development Information

Team Size: 2

Development Period: January 2022 - May 2022

Engine: GameMaker Studio 2

Platform: PC

Roles - Main Researcher (UR & QA)


  • Hosting and moderating an early-development focus group attended by multiple members of the LGBTQ+ community of varying identities to gather feedback on:

    • How interactions with Cisgender & Heterosexual individuals differ from the perspective of Cisgender LGBQ+ individuals and Transgender individuals;

    • How transgender individuals identify around other LGBTQ+ individuals compared to cisgender & heterosexual individuals;

    • What impact one’s LGBTQ+ identity has on making connections with others;

    • & What interactions, feelings, or other facets of conversation/connection would various LGBTQ+ individuals appreciate seeing represented in a game with Tungsten’s focus.

  • Creating a detailed transcript of focus group feedback, as well as a brief summation of answers for ease of access and various visualization formats for conveying said information.

  • Monitoring playtests using observational study techniques at various stages of development to understand the intuitiveness of gameplay mechanics, search for patterns in player decisions, and catalog any bugs found.

  • Creating and utilizing feedback forms for participants to fill out post-playtest, providing them with a way to convey anonymous feedback as well as for us to receive feedback, a more thorough understanding of player decision making, and the opinions of players both LGBTQ+ and Cisgender & Heterosexual.

Software/Tools Utilized

  • Discord

  • Google Applications (Drive, Docs, Forms, & Sheets)

  • Streamlabs

  • Canva

Roles - Producer


  • Collaborating with my co-developer to decide what larger milestones we wanted to reach within a certain time frame, what smaller goals do we wanted to reach on our track to the milestone(s), and what tasks would need to be completed for said goals and milestones to be met.

  • Communicating several times daily on what work had been done, what we planned to do next, what new tasks were thought of, and how tasks should be (re-)prioritized based on the previous discussion points.

  • Reviewing progress with my co-developer frequently to ensure that the game was reaching a standard we were content with as well as continuing to present, discuss, and convey our message(s) in the way we both intended.

  • Creating and helping maintain an open dialogue about problems and difficulties encountered, as well as different potential solutions and constant encouragement.

Software/Tools Utilized

  • HackNPlan

  • GitHub

  • GameMaker Studio 2

  • Google Applications (Drive, Docs, Forms, Sheets, Slides, & Gmail)

  • Discord

Roles - Primary Programmer


  • Consistently researching and learning GML in order to program all required features of the game, iterate upon features already created, and fix bugs as they arose.

  • Frequently showcasing work to and discussing progress on mechanic implementation with my co-developer to ensure all mechanics and assets implemented were working as we both intended.

  • Regularly testing all choice points, lines of dialogue, overlays, sprite changes, branching results, and other similar changes in all scenes to catch bugs, typos, errors, and mistakes in order fix them before any larger problems arose.

  • Creating different scenes/builds to edit in order to test different methods of coding systems to find which would be best suited for the game, assist in later programming, and create/prevent notable bugs.

Software/Tools Utilized

  • Discord

  • GameMaker Studio 2

  • Google Docs

  • YouTube, Reddit, and Programming-Oriented Websites

Post-Mortem Analysis

What Went Right?

  • We maintained energy and passion for the project throughout the entirety of development. My co-developer and I chose a subject we were both quite passionate about for this game, which allowed our love for the game to persist for all of the game’s development and after.

  • The game’s content was pulled from the real experiences of transgender individuals for this game. Not only was I able to pull from my own experiences, thoughts, and feelings as a non-binary person, but so was my co-developer. I also reached out to numerous other transgender individuals of various identities, to ensure we were able to convey our intended message in a way that connects with as many trans people as possible while still being understandable to cisgender people as well.

  • All design and narrative aspects of the game were an intensely collaborative effort. My co-developer and I would regularly spend hours at a time planning out, working on, and refining every aspect of Puck’s story and the game’s appearance, dedicating all we could to making something impactful.

What Went Wrong?

  • We failed to consider how resource-intensive branching narratives tend to be. Due to how much time planning, writing, editing, implementing, and testing every line of dialogue for every choice ended up being, an entire planned scene had to be cut to allow us to focus on what we already had.

  • Task management was only partially handled on HackNPlan—we ended up communicating task progress and new tasks by verbal communication just as often as we used the game’s HackNPlan board. While it always felt easier in the moment to talk about tasks rather than document them, this made actually tracking work quite the hassle.

  • We were, at times, too attached to our game to accept feedback. Pulling from our own experiences, as well as those of other people within the LGBTQ+ community, meant that we were sometimes stubborn about decisions made and unwilling to act on objective, professional criticisms.

What Would I Have Done Differently?

  • I would’ve opened a discussion with my co-developer about whether or not we wanted to have more helmet/color options to influence dialogue, or an additional scene like we had planned. Once we realized how much writing we’d have with 6 colors and 4 interactive scenes, we failed to address the fact that it may be too much for us with our other responsibilities and limited time, leading to us having to abruptly cut our planned 4th scene to polish our 3 others.

  • To mitigate the problem with using task management and recording work/tasks, I would have suggested we have one of us quickly jot down a summary of our discussions either as we spoke or after. Even if the notes would’ve been simple, they could’ve assisted us in translating what we spoke about more easily to our tasks on HackNPlan; Additionally, I’ve found since working on this game that even the most simple notes could help jog memory, which could’ve been helpful for remembering tasks and work done regardless of the HackNPlan.

  • I would have made sure to consider our chosen development medium just as much as I (and we) considered the game’s intended message in the development process and in receiving feedback. I feel like one way in which we could’ve overcome our hesitancy to accept feedback due to the personal nature of the subject would be to consider more the objective fact that we were making a game. The purpose was not just to tell a selected story, but to tell said story in an engaging, interactive way players would enjoy–taking more time to recognize this could’ve allowed us to step back from our attachment and examine our game feedback in a more objective light.



Your Average Bear


Unpublished Games